Gentle touch and a diverse mix of colours are combined to bring you to hear a narrator’s voice in your fantasy. Be enchanted by the story of the brand Dagmaar. It is full of passion, tenderness and mysterious hints. Each scarf is like a wonderful page of a novel.
Large oil paintings and drawings of flowers by Dagmar Jelínková from the series FLOWER DESIRES were sensuous, bold, sexy and exciting. After their completion, the author wanted to create a gentle and delicate counterbalance, so the first collection of silk scarves came to its life.
That was the real beginning of the artist's "silk road". It was no accident though - while studying textile at Umprum, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague, Dagmar gained professional experience with almost every Czech textile factory. Back then, there were so many of them. She learned to work with a number of technologies and while studying, she started selling her pieces of work. After the completion of her studies she made good use of her knowledge and took advantage of a range of opportunities available. Dagmar values some of the opportunities from those times as her dream jobs.
The most prestigious would be a collection of woven carpets for the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and tapestries for private companies Skanska or CA Leasing. Dagmar also designed a number of silk textile objects for various private interiors and a few collections of silk scarves and shawls for companies from both private and state sector.
Czech textile industry was however overcome by the production of the Far East and the factories in which Dagmar Jelínková realized her work gradually were getting shut down one after another. It was a very sad sight, so Dagmar, at that time interested also in a number of other directions of applied arts, decided to shift her focus on working in graphic design, porcelain design, wallpapers, paintings, drawings, illustrations…
Old love never dies...
People that once fall in love with silk are trapped in its grasp forever, this is something that Dagmar knows first hand. It was only a matter of time before she would return to her initial passion.
She lets her inspiration outburst on silk squaresand she softlytells new exiciting stories that appeal women, who are eager to let her silk scarves and shawls cover and pamper their necks and bodies.
At the time Dagmar decided to get back on her silk road, there was only one Czech manufacture that could print on silk left. Dagmar Jelínková herself admits that one of her motivations was to support that manufacture and ensure that it would not go bust.
Before Dagmaar, there were three collections of silk scarves, designed and created under JeD signature (a combination of initial letters of Dagmar's name). Dagmar uses this signature for all her creative works, from now on apart from scarves.
Dagmar received amazing feedback and support from her customers back in 2015 when she was running some of the previous collections. Based on that interest, Dagmar decided to devote more of her time to silk. A new brand called Dagmaar was born! The products are proudly labeled Made in Czech Republic, with a unique and traditional technology.
Dagmaar's vision is a pursuit of timeless design. Fashion passes, but style is eternal. Utility, durability and beauty - Dagmaar's scarves are made with the intention to create wardrobe accessories that will last.
What words does Dagmar use to characterize her work?
"I have an ambition to create original silk pieces that would warm the cockles of one’s heart and which distinguish its owner from others. I would love to see interesting, open-minded and irresistible women buying Dagmaar's scarves,
because that is exactly what I want Dagmaar to be."